Enrollment Information
Current WLA Families
Summer Learning:
WLA will be offering a 4 week summer program that will run Monday through Thursday, from July 8th to August 1st, 9am to 2pm. We will be offering activities and support for both middle and high school students. Transportation will be offered with limited stops throughout the Eugene, Springfield, and Cottage Grove areas, or parents can provide their own transportation. Cadet Intent to Return for 2024-25:
If you have NOT already completed the 24-25 Intent to Return form (this applies mostly to the cadets who are newly enrolled), please do so via the following link. This information lets us know how many available spots will have for new families next year. |
If your student would like to participate, please complete this form.
Cadet Intent to Return for 2024-25
New Students & WLA Families
For families interested in enrolling a student with WLA:
Please complete the Pre-Enrollment form to get the process started for enrolling your student for the 2024 - 2024 school year. Completion of the pre-enrollment form does not guarantee enrollment. Space in the academy is limited. Returning students, siblings, and students from the Springfield Public Schools district will receive priority. |